
Businesses That Sold for Millions

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Businesses That Sold for Millions

Do you know that there are hundreds of businesses that sold for millions? Tech startups especially have a tendency of selling their businesses through acquisition. In the last 10 or so years, several business ventures were sold via acquisition. So who knows you will find a business, make it profitable and you can sell it. Keep dreaming and hoping, right?

Businesses That Sold for Millions

1. Shazam

Business name: Shazam

Sold to: Apple Inc.

Price: $400 million

Shazam was an app for identifying songs. It was very popular among the users. But when Shazam went broke in December, 2017, Apple came forward to buy it. The tech giant wanted to integrate Shazam’s functionalities into their operating system to boost Apple Music.

2. Trello

Business name: Trello

Sold to: Atlassian

Price: $425 million

Trello is a project management app which was acquired by Atlassian in January, 2017. Atlassian offers workplace software. Their product line includes HipChat, a workplace chat software like Slack, and Jira, which is a project management tool for the developers. They went on to make the acquisition to further strengthen their product line.

3. Shipt

Business name: Shipt

Sold to: Target

Price: $550 million

With the ever growing popularity of Amazon, traditional retailers were struggling and needed to widen their reach. As a result, brands like Walmart and Ikea bought and TaskRabbit. Target, who was a competitor in this niche, had to reach affluent millennials where they were. So they bought the grocery delivery service Shipt to better deliver their products.

4. Moat

Business name: Moat

Sold to: Oracle

Price: $850 million

Oracle has been working in the ad tech industry for a long time. To better deliver their results, Oracle bought Moat which was a transparency and tracking company. With this acquisition, the company has been able to empower brand managers with the right tools to track and analyze their ad data.

5. Blue Mountain

Business name: Blue Mountain

Sold to: Excite@Home

Price: $780 million

Blue Mountain started its journey as an e-card seller back in 1996. And only after 3 years of its launch, the company was sold to Excite@Home with a staggering $780 million price tag.

We are quite sure that now you’re wondering how to start your own online business. Don’t worry, we got you covered. Do you want to start a business from your own online home?

Then read this article! Goodluck!

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